Friday, July 30, 2010

SCCM Client to Wait due to Conflicting Records

If you have an SCCM client that's installed correctly, but seems to not be performing any usual SCCM actions, check the the "ClientIDManagerStartup.log" log file (located under %WIN%\SYSTEM32\CCM\LOGS).

Look for the following lines in the "ClientIDManagerStartup.log" log file:

RegTask: Client is not registered. Sending registration request...
RegTask: Client registration is pending.
Client is pending registration. Sending confirmation request...
Server requested reset. Restarting client registration
Already refreshed within the last 10 minutes, Sleeping for the next 9 minutes before reattempt.

This indicates the Hardware ID for the SCCM client has recently changed, and there are multiple records for the client in the SCCM database. The SCCM client will not perform any actions until the "conflicting records" issue is resolved.

To resolve the issue, an SCCM administrator must open the SCCM console and merge the multiple records together into a single record. Once this is completed, the client will update its records and start performing normal tasks.

1 comment:

bmkiss67 said...

You said "SCCM administrator must open the SCCM console and merge the multiple records together into a single record". What records are you talking about? How do you merger them?
